Next Meeting: Tues 11 February 5.45pm
The Oriental Hotel (Upstairs)
Heavy Industries Networking Breakfast Thurs 13 Feb 7.30-9.00am
Riverside Cafe, Tumut
Business Snowy Valleys is proud to continue our recently launched Heavy Industry Network aimed at supporting trade, transport and heavy industry businesses within the local region.
This month we are pleased to host special guests:
Geoff Reardon, ICN Gateway Regional Manager Southern NSW
Stephen Howe, SafeWork NSW Inspector Operations Regional – Riverina Murray
Jayadev Ajayakumar, Local Connector - The Welcome Experience, Skilled Migration Support, Regional Development Australia Riverina
Geoff will be providing a deep dive into creating a successful profile for successful tenders.
Stephen will provide an updated on current campaigns and information relevant to Trade, Transport and Heavy Industry businesses within the Snowy Valleys Council region.
Jay will present information on The Welcome Experience - a free service provided by the NSW Government to support essential workers and their families who are considering or have accepted positions in regional New South Wales. As well as, Jobs Riverina Murray - a free resource for employers and job seekers in the Riverina-Murray Region.
This breakfast also provides a great opportunity to network with a wide range of heavy industry representatives from across the region.
RSVP ESSENTIAL. Register now.
Become a member
Business Advice and Information
By joining the Business Snowy Valleys, businesses throughout the Snowy Valleys region can participate and benefit in a multitude of ways.
Your membership includes:
Access to up-to-date economic news and other issues affecting local business and industry.
Local training and workshops exclusive to you and your employees.
Free face-to-face information, business advice and practical assistance with business advisors.
Exclusive Members Only professional development opportunities.
Regular newsletters with local, regional and industry updates.
Access to the BSV Project Officer who can help connect you within our network, connect you with the committee, help you find the resources you need for a project
Free membership to Business NSW (Murray-Riverina)
Your membership of Business Snowy Valleys also entitles you to all the advantages of being a member of Business NSW (Murray-Riverina) including tools, information and access to experts to help you navigate ever-changing business conditions, including:
Advocacy at all levels of government through the lobbying power of Business NSW
Industrial Relations (IR) advice, including assistance with wage rates, penalties, staff issues and calculating entitlements
IR and compliance-related updates as legislation changes
Up-to-date notifications about changes to your modern awards as they occur
Human Resources (HR) services including employment contracts, letters of engagement, policies, and Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) documentation via HR Advance
WHS advice and tools via subscription products such as WorkplaceOHS and WHS Essentials
Workplace obligations updates via regionally facilitated seminars, events and webinars
Networking for Knowledge (N4K) forums including the Albury Human Resources N4K forum and Wagga Wagga Human Resources N4K forum
Commercial law advice
Marketing advice and support
International trade assistance (including research, funding, documentation)
Employee recruitment (permanent and labour-hire)
Information and advice on the Australian Apprenticeships program
Flexible online learning
Monthly meetings - that are more than just motions and minutes
Before and after-hours networking events
Opportunities to host a networking function that highlights your business activities.
Industry-specific networking opportunities
NEW: BSV Heavy Industry Network
Anew aspect to Business Snowy Valley membership - for our Heavy Industry members.
Business Snowy Valleys (BSV) is proud to announce the launch of the BSV Industry Network, a new initiative aimed at supporting trade, transport, and heavy industry businesses in our region. This network was established in direct response to feedback from local industry leaders, who expressed the need for BSV to better represent and support these critical sectors. We listened and took action by creating the Industry Network, in partnership with key organizations such as Snowy 2.0, ICN Gateway, Regional NSW, and Business NSW.
The BSV Industry Network officially launches on 4 September, coinciding with the Snowy 2.0 supplier workshop being held in Tumut. This workshop, delivered in partnership with Business Snowy Valleys, is a significant milestone, marking the beginning of the organisation’s focused efforts to connect local businesses with major projects and provide valuable industry insights.
Looking ahead, the next network event will take place in November in Tumut. This event will feature presentations from the Riverina Redevelopment Joint Venture (RRJV) and the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR), offering local trade and transport businesses the chance to learn about the RRJV procurement strategy and gain insights into chain of responsibility requirements from the NHVR.
The BSV Industry Network is committed to delivering ongoing value to local businesses by providing access to crucial information from major projects and relevant trade organizations. Members will also benefit from opportunities such as funded training qualifications and free upskilling.
Upcoming Opportunities for Business Snowy Valleys Members:
Access to the supply chain for the Riverina Redevelopment Project
Free gap analysis for Tier One projects by Ironbark Training
Free online Chain of Responsibility qualification
Networking opportunities with major project procurement teams
Insights from the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator on compliance
Updates from ICN Gateway
Free breakfast networking events with like-minded businesses
Funded training opportunities
Branding opportunities through partnership with the BSV Industry Network
Business Marketing & Promotion
Market and promote your product or services via the Business Snowy Valleys website and social media.
Have your business listed in the annual Shop Local campaigns for a small fee.
Have your business listed in our online Members Directory for free
Access Tumut Region Shopping bags at a reduced rate.
Free listing of your business in Adventure Snowy Valleys (to be released Jul 2024)
Get Involved
Be automatically eligible to enter the Local Business Awards (biennial)
Be involved in future strategic planning and development, and local programs that will benefit local business.
Get involved with events such as: Business Awards, community forums, and Business Snowy Valleys industry sub-committees
Participate in local projects that grow and develop businesses and the local economy.
Contribute to discussions that lead to effective advocacy for the local business community
Sole Trader (0-1 FTE employees) $97
Small business 2 -5 FTE employees $160
Larger businesses with 6 -20 FTE employees $250
Big business - with 21+ FTE employees $350
Fees are due 1 July each year.
Invoice sent on receipt of membership application - direct bank transfer and credit card payment options available.
Simply submit the form below to start/renew your membership.